Behavioural, Environmental, Social and Systems
Interventions (for pandemic preparedness)
Suppression of pandemics and epidemics cannot rely solely on waiting for effective vaccines and/or medical treatment: we need plans to use, improve & evaluate effective behavioural, environmental, social and systems interventions (BESSI) to reduce viral transmission.
The BESSI Collaboration aim to provide information about planned and completed research into reducing SARS-CoV-2 transmission, and facilitate both novel and replication research.
Scorecard of Randomised Controlled Trials
The scorecard gives a snapshot of current COVID-19 research. Scorecard data is derived from a search of Epistomonikas COVID-19 L.OVE.
Updated: 1/04/2022

* BESSI trials are obtained using the ‘Prevention or Treatment’ and ‘BESSI’ filter, selecting ‘primary studies’ and applying the ‘RCT’ and ‘ALL’ filters. The output is screened and trials of BESS interventions with the aim of preventing or reducing transmission, identified and counted.
What is BESSI's aim? A 5 minute video explains:

Given the Covid-19 pandemic is likely to be around to at least mid-2021 (potentially followed by seasonal outbreaks) - even if a vaccine or effective treatments are developed - it is imperative to address BESSI evidence gaps now and to develop longer-term research priorities and processes to improve evidence about BESSInterventions to prevent and manage future infectious disease outbreaks.
BESSI Research Strategy
We aim to foster research synthesis, prioritization, piloting, and field trials in collaboration with health organisations, policy makers, communities, and a range of researchers relevant to BESSI (so Figure below).
